Office of the Dean

Charles R. Hale, Dean

Our mission is to create conditions for our faculty members to excel, individually and collectively, in their teaching, professional activities, research and public engagement endeavors. Toward this end, the Dean’s office guides the recruitment, retention and evaluation of our outstanding faculty, and in addition, serves as a catalyst for special initiatives that heighten the efficacy and enhance the stature of our Division. These initiatives nearly always require infusions of support from a range of external sources, such as grants, contracts, and private gifts. The generosity and vision of our donors, many of whom are Social Science Alumni and Dean's Cabinet Members, play a crucial role in helping the Division achieve our highest aspirations for excellence.  

Dean's Cabinet


SOSC Centers and Special Initiatives (2024-2025)

The Dean’s Social Science Fund provides seed funding for these initiatives, which are organized in two distinct categories. Placement of initiatives will evolve as priority initiatives are fully funded and launched.

1. Launched and in Search of Additional Support

2. In Process of Formation and Transformation


I invite you to browse our website to learn more about our programs, departments and people.


Charles R. Hale
SAGE Sara Miller McCune Dean of Social Sciences