The Division of Social Sciences at UC Santa Barbara has four guiding principles: 


  1. to generate new knowledge about society, both locally and globally, with an emphasis on issues of pressing contemporary importance;
  2. to make this knowledge accessible to diverse publics, with practical contributions to social justice and the common good;
  3. to provide undergraduates with first rate Social Science education, which consolidates their critical analytical skills, provides experience-based learning opportunities, and leaves them well-prepared for the job market;
  4. to train the next generation of Social Science scholars, to serve as researchers, professors, and purveyors of specialized knowledge in diverse settings.  


The Division of Social Sciences consists of twelve departments, and numerous thematic clusters, programs and centers, with a mandate for world-class research from a wide range of disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives.




Leah Stokes, Associate Professor of Political Science at UCSB, receives the prestigious Schneider Award for Outstanding Science Communication.

  • Virtual Tutoring Session

Jessica Lickstein, a third-year Sociology student at UCSB, started Education+ as a free tutoring program for local k-8 students!

Congratulations to UCSB students Marcus Ortiz (Political Science) and Jeremy Zide (Economics) for advancing to the final round and qualifying to compete on a national stage!

Welcome from the Dean

Charles R. Hale, Dean

Welcome to the Division of Social Sciences at the UC Santa Barbara, home of innovative, interdisciplinary, community-engaged teaching and scholarship. Every one of the many pressing issues facing our society needs rigorous social science research, if we are to achieve the deeper understanding on which enduring and comprehensive solutions must be based. We bring research results to the attention of the civil society organizations, policymakers and the general population; we offer critical perspectives on social, political, and economic issues that confront contemporary society; and we work with communities to craft alternative visions of for bringing about social change toward sustainable social justice. 
I invite you to explore all the ways that Social Sciences can help you understand the world around you.

Charles R. Hale
SAGE Sara Miller McCune Dean of Social Sciences

Message from the Dean



Through our 12 departments and programs, the Division offers more than 6,500 undergraduate and 400 graduate students the opportunity to study and learn from nationally and internationally recognized faculty.

Learn More