Meet our Program Director



Current Director

Dr. Nadège T. Clitandre is currently Associate Professor and Chair of the Diversity Committee in the Department of Global Studies. She holds affiliate appointments in the following departments and programs at UCSB: Black Studies, Feminist Studies, English, the Comparative Literature Program and the Migration Initiative. She is the author of Edwidge Danticat: The Haitian Diasporic Imaginary (2018) and co-editor of two volumes: The Bloomsbury Handbook to Edwidge Danticat (2021) and Remembrance: Loss, Hope, Recovery after the Earthquake in Haiti (2016). Since the start of her career at UCSB in 2011, Dr. Clitandre has mentored numerous undergraduate and graduate students, including McNair scholars, Ford fellows, and UC President's Postdoctoral fellows. Before becoming Director of the Division of Social Sciences' Faculty Mentoring Program, Dr. Clitandre served as the program's Assciate Director (2023-2024), Divisional Facilitator (2022-2024), and Departmental Mentor (2021-2022). For a detailed bio, please visit her profile page



Ph.D. (2009) University of California, Berkeley, Department of African Diaspora Studies

M.A. (2000) University of Chicago, Humanities

B.A. (1999) Hampton University, Department of English and Foreign Languages



Past Director

Dr. Jennifer Kam is Professor and Vice Chair in the Department of Communication at UCSB, and she is a Faculty Affiliate with the Chicano Studies Institute and the Migration Initiative at UCSB. Dr. Kam has published over 50 peer-reviewed journal articles, most of which can be found in top communication, prevention, and adolescent journals such as Communication Monographs, Communication Research, Human Communication Research, Journal of Communication, Health Communication, Journal of Counseling Psychology, Prevention Science, and Journal of Research on Adolescence. Dr. Kam directed the Faculty Mentoring Program from 2020-2024. She led the Division in developing the program into the expanded version that it is today (e.g., including the orientation, peer component, write-on-site sessions, brown bag sessions, socials).






Ph.D. (2009) Pennsylvania State University, Department of Communication Arts and Sciences

M.A. (2004) San Diego State University, School of Communication

B.A. (2002) University of California, Davis, Communication and English Departments